Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daily Dumbbells

Why the name “Daily Dumbbells?” About six months ago, I noticed my body changing and realized that it was time to go back to the gym. For me, this kind of a commitment would require going to the gym at least four times a week, for an hour a day. If I wanted to get into good shape and see immediate results, that’s what it was going to take. Unfortunately, I didn’t have this kind of time to dedicate to the gym, so I was forced to come up with an alternate plan. I decided to start doing pushups every morning. The idea was, that I would at least maintain some strength and hopefully build a little, as I increased my reps. It worked, I have continued to add reps and my strength has improved. My core is stronger than ever and the change although not drastic, is happening.
Your mental health works the same way. You need to work it out. Go to the gym, so to speak. If you wanted to fully commit, you would take courses, do some reading, meditate, etc… Doing those things would be a full commitment, the equivalent of going to the gym. You would see immediate results. Most of us don’t have this kind of time. I write my daily dumbbells for the same reason I doing my morning pushups. I write them daily to improve my mental well being. I hope that by reading them daily, it helps others do the same. It's obvious to everyone, that if you don’t work out your muscles, they will get smaller and weaker. So shouldn't it be obvious that if you don’t work out your mental muscle, the same will happen?


Michael said...


Chad said...

You know what they say - the best adjustable dumbbells are the ones that you actually use! This post is a perfect example of that :)

Viet Le said...

If you’re looking for a best adjustable dumbbell are the ones that you actually use! This post is a perfect example of that :)

Vlad Botsion said...

I really like your approach to this matter, I am glad to meet people like you. Because I myself am so, doing sports every day. And often I ask myself a question why doing leg presses are good Thank you for helping me with this.