I have heard it said before that our soul mate is not the person that agrees with every word we say but actually, he or she does just the opposite. Our soul mate is that person that constantly challenges us and makes us defend our every move. This person is the person who teaches us the most and makes you work on the things you wouldn’t normally work on. They teach us patience and how to control our temper. They challenge us and force us to re think without becoming defensive. They are the messy when we are the clean. The funny thing is that as much as we complain about them, we continue to go back for more and if that person is to leave us, another one just like them pops in. It is not a coincidence; we seek these people out without even knowing it. We want to be challenged and reassured about what we feel and do every day. The person that sits next to us, agreeing with our every word, cannot satisfy us so we search for someone to challenge our thinking. It is much more complicated than what can be written in a paragraph. Today when you find yourself at odds with another person, don’t ask why in desperation but understand that these people are our greatest teachers and learn what it is they are teaching you about yourself.
Quick story from a lecture Dr Wayne Dyer gave about soul mates:
My youngest and eldest daughters were sitting at breakfast when the oldest turned to the youngest and asked, “If you didn’t have feet, would you wear shoes?” The youngest turned to the oldest and replied, “Duh, of course not, why would I need shoes if I didn’t have feet?” The oldest then grabbed her books from the table and as she walked away turned back to the youngest and said, “Then why are you wearing a bra?” “Those two are soul mates”, Dyer said.
What a great post! and what a great way of looking at things. Ideally, our spouse is our soul mate. So many times one is afraid of hurting the other person (and I'm talking about friends and adult children here too) that we hold back the blessing of challenging them to do their best. I love this one Alex!
Are you saying I'm messy????? Yeah..... I guess you're right. Thanks for putiing up with all my "piles" around the house! I love you!
Hmmm...now I am SO curious about the deleted post. Does this make me nosy?
I am equally curious, whomever deleted it, must be my soulmate.
Soulmate is such a funny term. I am pretty sure my spouse feels that one normal lifetime with me is enough to last and eternity.
I loved this post. The story at the end made me lol. It reminded me of Gabi & Stevie - they MUST be "soul mates" b/c they really know each other's "buttons". This is an interesting view on the phrase "soul mate". I think usually that term is used to describe the person that accepts you for who you are (vs. challenging you.
And, Luli - will you clean up already!?!?! hahaha
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